Day 12 - Big Bar Ranch

This is a fun fabby day (It's Bwidget here btw if you had not guessed). We got up on time which is sort of 7:30ish so we had time to get up and work out what we're doing. We wandered up to have breakfast then watched people going off for the morning rides. 

We had time to kill in the morning so we went down to the lake and everybody had a shuffle into different boats. Dad was in a canoe and Rosie and Mum went in the pedal boat after I decided I didn't like it much.

Dad decided to go for a hike but none of the rest of us wanted to go (we've been for too many already). This is a view back down of the main ranch buildings.

He saw lots of pretty flowers, rain in July meant the flowers were still flowering.

This is a major road junction in these parts, one overgrown road and one which actually had a handmade sign to Jesmond.

When Dad got back we had lunch and then set out on our afternoon ride. This is Rosie on her first horse called Smokey Joe who had not been used that morning but she then had to get off and Joe got the day off!

This is Mum at our halfway point on her horse called Big D.

This is me in my cowboy hat on my horse called Sonny who was a Tennessee Walker and so didn't trot but walked rather quickly!

Rosie finally ended up on this horse Misty who had a bit of an attitude towards my Sonny.

Don't we look cool on our horseys?!

An ickle purple wild lily I believe.

A view obviously. Of trees and stuff. You can see it's really dry up here.

Home from our ride and suppered well we sat outside talking generally to anyone next to the hummingbirds. (Meld proving her little camera can compete with Aid's DSLR!)

A mountain, not on a big scale though. Not many of these left anymore but it means we don't have to climb them!

Another view of a mountain with a name Rosie can't remember. Nice sun on it though. (Mount Bowman)

Oh umm seems to be the end. Well that was my input for this and it had to be today! Woo well goodnight i'm tired and i'm going to bed and i'm feeling lazy.............